Circumcision FAQ
What is circumcision?
Circumcision is a minor surgical procedure and usually takes about 40 minutes. It is most often performed on babies and children for religious, cultural or medical reasons.
Plastibell Circumcision
Plastibell circumcision is a safe procedure. A plastic ring is tied around the foreskin, which cuts off the blood supply to it. The ring falls off on its own in a few days.
With the Plastibell ring in place, there is no need to take many extra precautions ensuring there is no pressure applied to the ring (no belts or buckles). The child should not have any problems passing urine in the presence of the Plastibell ring.
At what age should you circumcise a baby?
Evidence suggests that it is much safer to perform circumcisions on boys before the age of 12 weeks. This means that the risk of complications is lower than for circumcisions performed on older boys. So we prefer you to book as early as possible.
We will perform circumcision up to the first birthday.
Circumcision Recovery
In the case of Plastibell technique, the plastic ring stays on for about seven days and then falls off on its own. If the ring has not fallen off by the 7th day return to the surgery as arranged to have this take off.
Some swelling and mild redness of the area is normal tissue reaction to surgical trauma. After four to five days the skin at the edge of the wound becomes soft and yellowish and may even look like the colour of pus. This is not a sign of infection. Swelling, redness or increasing discomfort/pain may be signs of infection and you should contact us or your GP without any further delay.
The doctor who performs the circumcision will give you full instructions on caring of your son afterwards. You will be contacted by the clinic the after the procedure to check that there are no problems. We will also give you a letter to hand in to your own surgery explaining that the circumcision has taken place.
Circumcision Aftercare
Usually regular pain killer medicine (Paracetamol 4-6 hourly) is required for the first 24 hours. Most children continue with their normal activities and do not complain of pain.
Parents need to carry out normal nappy care and everything else as usual. During this period, maintaining good hygiene is very important. After 24 hours bath for 15 to 20 minutes and then twice daily.
Application of Sudo cream nappy as shown in clinic, is helpful in each nappy.
We will provide you with a 24 hour contact to discuss any concerns following the procedure. However in case of emergency it may be required to refer your child to hospital for further care.